November 20, 2006

Whiskey's Butt II

Well, the vet cultured a sample from where the infection keeps surfacing. The bad news is that it is a deep-rooted Staph infection. The good news is that it is sensitive to even the least expensive medication. We will just give her the antibiotics every six to eight weeks for ten days each time and hopefully it will clear up. If it doesn't then she just lives with having to take her meds.

The pills dissolve easily in water and we are mixing that with Karo syrup. When we toss the oat pellets in the sweet mixture she just gobbles it up. Whiskey is too smart for us to just slip them in an apple. She will pick the pills out and eat the apple. So, it looks like she will be with us for quite some time :-)

Posted: Later November 20, 2006

As I was cleaning the lower corral this evening, before letting the animals down for dinner, there was a ruckus in the upper corral. Whatever had happened, it got Whiskey riled-up and she wanted to get the heck out of there. I managed to let her down alone but forgot that I left the front gate open. She went tearing off into the Picnic Grove at full speed. after a couple of laps around she came galloping back to the barn. I guess that old pelvis is feelin' fine!

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